"Creation is the successful entanglement of thoughts and dreams"
Selected Seminars and Conferences
Istanbul Integrability and Stringy Topics Initiative (DESY, North Carolina State University, BoÄŸaziçi University) (2024)
+ Andean School of Holography (Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University) (2024)
+ STRINGS 2024 (CERN, EPFL, ETHZ, LAPTh, the University of Bern and the University of Geneva) (2024)
+ KMI school on Quantum Computing for Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe) (2024)
+ Amplitudes 2023 (CERN) (2023)
+ Basics of Quantum Gravity (International Society for Quantum Gravity) (2023)
+ RADCOR 2023 – 16th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology (Higgs Centre School of Theoretical Physics, CERN) (2023)
+ Thematic Program on Operator Algebras and Applications (The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences) (2023)
+ Puzzles in the Quantum Gravity Landscape (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo) (2023)
+ 23rd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity ( National Technical University of Athens, Ionian University) (2023)
+ It from Qubit: Simons Collaboration on Quantum Fields, Gravity, and Information (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo) (2023)
+ Standard Model Effective Field Theory: WE-Heraeus Summer School(Selected but could not attend)(2022)
+ Wolfram Physics Project Winter School (2021)
*Featured Contributor (Translating HEE into Rewriting model)*
​+ Amplitudes 2021 (Niels Bohr International Academy and the Niels Bohr Institute) (2021)
+ Particle Physics Summer Student Programme (Institute of Nuclear Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences) (2021)
+ Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Holography and Quantum Information (MPI, LMU, ASCTP) (2021)
+ Dualities in Topology and Algebra (ICTS-TIFR, ISI, IITB) (2021)
+ Annual Meeting of Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) (2020)
+ Fields,Gravity,and Information (FU) (2020)
+ Invitation for Fully Funded participation in Winter School on High Energy Physics sponsored by ICTP, Italy and organized by IUB, Dhaka (2020)
+ Quantum Field Theory at the Boundary (MITP) (2020)
+ Recent Developments in S-matrix theory (ICTS) (2020)
+ Strings, Fields and Holograms (ETHZ) (2020)
+ The Dual Mysteries of Gauge Theories and Gravity (IIT Madras) (2020)
+ Applications of Group Theory in Physics (2020)
+ International School on Amplitudes and Cosmology, Holography and Positive Geometries (INFN) (2019)
+ Summer School in Gauge and String Theory (DESY) (2019)
+ Lectures on AdS/CFT (SINP) (2019)
+ Asia Pacific Conference and Workshop on Quantum Information Science(IISERK, HRI, ICTP) (2019)
+ International Symposium on New Frontiers in Quantum Correlations (S.N.Bose)(2018)
+ Workshop on Space Astronomy and Telescope Making(CESSI, SPIE,IUCAA) (2017)
+ Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (IISERK) (2016)
+ Different Seminars, colloquiums, lectures held in IISER Kolkata, Bose Institute, S. N. Bose and SINP